

Author Bio
Birth—ca. 1958-59
Education—B.A., M.A., Simmons College; M.B.A., University of New Hampshire; Ph.D.,
   Northeastern University
Honors—(see below)
Currently—lives in Winchester, Massachusetts

Kate Clifford Larson is an American author, historian, and consultant, most well known as a Harriet Tubman scholar. Her 2003 biography Harriet Tubman, Bound for the Promised Land was one of the first non-juvenile Tubman biographies published in six decades. She lives in Winchester, Massachusetts.

Larson earned both her  B.A. and M.A. from Simmons College and, later, an M.B.A. from Northeastern University. She went on to receive her Ph.D. in history at the University of New Hampshire.

Harriet Tubman
When Larson published Harriet Tubman: Bound for the Promised Land in 2003, two other non-juvenile biographies of Tubman were also published: Harriet Tubman: The Life and the Life Stories by Jean M. Humez, and Harriet Tubman: The Road to Freedom by Catherine Clinton (see LitLovers Review).

Dr. Larson is the consultant for the Harriet Tubman Special Resource Study of the National Park Service. She serves on the advisory board of the Historic Context on the Underground Railroad in Delaware, Underground Railroad Coalition of Delaware.

Other works
In addition to her book on Tubman, Larson published her 2008 work The Assassin's Accomplice, about Mary Surratt's role in the assassination of Abraham Lincoln. In 2015.

She is also the author of the 2015 Rosemary: The Hidden Kennedy Daughter, about Rosemary Kennedy, the mentally disabled sister of President John F. Kennedy.

Larson has also contributed articles and reviews to the Library Quarterly; Afro-Americans In New York Life and History; and a variety of other publications.

Honors & Fellowships
2015 - Wilbur H. Siebert Award, National Park Service Network to Freedom Program
2013 - Commendation, South Caroline House of Representatives Resolution
2007-  Education Excellence Award 2007, Maryland Historical Trust
- Price Research Fellowship, William L. Clements Library, University of Michigan
- Fellowship, John Nicholas Brown Center for the Study of American Civilization, Brown University
- University Dissertation Fellowship, University of New Hampshire
- Margaret Storrs Grierson Scholar-in-Residence Fellowship, Smith College
- Mary Catherine Mooney Fellowship, Boston Athenaeum