

Discussion Questions
1.  When a mother keeps her children in an abusive environment she is equally as guilty as the father who inflicts the physical abuse and should be prosecuted accordingly. Discuss.

2.  There is a tendency for women to stay with their abusers for reasons that are unfathomable to those looking in from the outside. In this book, the mother stays because she is convinced that one day the Good Lawd will change her abusive spouse and father of her children. One argument is that she stays out of fear but the other is, if she is afraid then why not flee? It is a strange but very common juxtaposition. Discuss.

3. Growing up in an environment where drug use was pervasive and ultimately destructive, it is logical to assume that the product of this environment would steer clear of drugs. Why do you think drug use becomes the chosen path of these children, the products of this environment, anyway?

4. Very frequently, antisocial behaviors seem to pass from generation to generation, giving rise to the contemplation of generational curse. What are your thoughts on why these behaviors follow some families?

5. In this book, we see a generation that has been raised on welfare continue their existence on the welfare system and then raise their own children on welfare as well. There are some that would blame legislators for the institution of this culture of dependency. Using this book as your reference prepare a presentation for Congress to review and revise the welfare system Be very generous with your proposals.
(Questions courtesy of the author.)

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