

Discussion Questions
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Also consider these LitLovers talking points to help get a discussion started for Secret Diary of a Call Girl:

1. What was your attitude toward prostitution before reading this book? Did your attitude change after having read it? How so or how not so? What surprised you about the book?

2. Is Belle De Jour making a pitch on behalf of the call-girl industry? Or is she simply presenting her life as it is? What is her own attitude toward "the industry"? Is there a legal, moral or societal difference between high-paid call girls and street prostitutes?

3. How did you find Belle's candor and matter-of-fact tone?

4. Many readers and reviewers find the book humorous. Do you? Who is the butt (oh, that's rich...) of the jokes?

5. Talk about the male clients and what they're looking for?

6. Belle says in her opening chapter

In a world of twelve-year-olds in sexy boots and grannies in sparkly minidresses, the surest way to tell the prostitute walking into a hotel at Heathrow is to look for the lady in the designer suit

7. Is it possible for society to be judgmental about selling sex, when we are bombarded by sex to sell products. Think about the use of heightened sexuality—in the fashion industry, advertisements, popular music, TV shows and film?

8. Did you have fun reading the book?

(Questions by LitLovers. Please feel free to use them, online or offf, with attribution. Thanks.)

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