

Discussion Questions
1. Do you know any women with husbands who struggle in their relationship? Do you know any men who think their way of being a husband is working and the wife is on the fence, not sure what to do? Do you know of marriages where the husband does not seem to get it? How about women who have tried to explain time, and time again, what they are upset about to no avail? And the husband just wants to get away?

2. Do you know any wives who expect their husbands to read their minds? Do you know any wives who expect their husbands to think like they do? Do wives sometimes expect husbands to have more relationship skills than they actually do? How many wives only want to blame their husbands for the state of the marriage? How fair is that?

3. What is a wife to do when her husband is repeatedly ignoring her complaints?

4. How many women bail on marriages too quickly? Do you know any women who regret getting divorced?

5. Do you know of any good books on marriage for women? How about for men? A book to explain all of this in a way men can relate to, and understand?

6. What evidence does Baker base his book on? What are his credentials? Is this book just one man’s opinion, or does he back it up with credible theory and suggestions?

7. Is this book about bashing men, absolving women of any responsibility for the state of their marriage, or is it about bringing clarity to men in the muddy waters of relationships, a seemingly alien topic for most guys?

8. Is the book full of jargon? Is it written for professionals or for regular folks? Is this a book a husband may actually read?

9. What makes Time Out for a Better Marriage different or better than other books for men on relationships?

10. Is this book just for men or is the information useful to women as well? Even though it is geared toward men, what specifically is helpful for women?

11.What from the book was most helpful for you as a person, or as a spouse?

12. What is The Husband Guide series and where can we find information on the next book?
(Questions provided courtesy of the author.)

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