

Discussion Questions
1.  You say that Western women are not truly liberated. Could you explain this?

2. A newspaper interview with a shaman triggered your exploration of the Feminine and the writing of this book. What was the story and why was it so powerful?

3. You speak about the shame patriarchal religions such as Christianity, Judaism and Islam have instilled in women. Do you think religion still affects women’s view of themselves and their health and general happiness?

4. Alcoholism and drug use rates have sharply risen amongst women in the last 30 years. In your view what are the main contributing factors to this trend?

5. You’ve been quoted as saying, “The feminine is not a gender. Neither is the masculine. Feminine and masculine are archetypes, patterns and ways of being… specific qualities inherent in man and woman.” Could you please explain this?

6. You talk about the “Penis Values” of Power, Possessions, Profit and Progress and how they mold Western culture. Can you really ascribe these values to men only?

7. What are the “Vagina Values” you speak of?

8. How has Western spirituality been affected by the current masculine social model? How have these masculine values affected modern spiritual movements such as Unity and the New Age/New Thought movements?

9. In your view, women’s liberation has translated into an unnatural over-sexualizing of women, with men as the primary benefactors. Could you please talk about this?

10. How can women and men come into better relationship balance?
(Questions courtesy of the author.)

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