

Book Reviews
Hoffman has a beautiful way of throwing open a door on possibility so that the reader begins to see magic everywhere…Sidwell seems gentler than the settings of Hoffman's works for adults, but still buzzes with charm and mystery…The world of Sidwell is one of quiet sorcery. Power can be found not just in the crackle of summer lightning but in ritualistic and common chores—the planting of a garden, the making of a proper pie crust. Hoffman reminds us that there are secrets everywhere, and in these moments of unexpected discovery, Nightbird soars.
Leigh Bardugo - New York Times Book Review

Once again, Hoffman works her magic to transport readers to a realm where enchantment intermingles with everyday realities.... The book’s evocative setting and distinctive characters will immediately hook readers, and the history of Twig’s family, uncovered bit by bit, will keep them engaged (Ages 10–up).
Publishers Weekly

[A] recipe for a page-turning plot. The conclusion may be too cheerful for sophisticated readers, and... [a]t times, the narrative voice is that of a gifted writer who knows how to work magic with language rather than the voice of an awkward tween. It is, nevertheless, a delight...and satisfying (Ages 11-15).  —Donna L. Phillips;

A sweet, if somewhat uneven middle grade tale.... Hoffman juggles multiple themes: an environmental thread...; a broken family thread...; a friendship tale...; along with bits of romance, curses, and magic.... Unfortunately, the [overly pat] climax... undercuts an otherwise sophisticated narrative. (Gr 4–6). —Elisabeth Gattullo Marrocolla, Darien Library, CT
School Library Journal

There's a monster in Sidwell, Massachusetts, that can only be seen at night or, as Twig reveals, if passersby are near her house. It's her older brother, James, born with wings just like every male in the Fowler line for the last 200 years.... The mix of romance and magic is irresistible and the tension, compelling.... Enchanting (Ages 9-12).
Kirkus Reviews