

Don't Judge a Book by its Cover 
Denise Fleck, 2013
Dog Ear Publishing
24 pp.
ISBN-13: 9781457517587

It’s a sad fact…kids of all ages tease others based on their looks, what they wear and where they live. It’s another disheartening fact that dogs in black coats are less likely to be adopted from Animal Shelters.

Did you know that older, gentle, loving dogs who know their manners are generally over-looked by humans with blinders on while they search for an adorable puppy who will soil and chew up their house? Did it ever occur to you that man’s (and woman’s) four-legged best friend faces similar stereotypes to what people face? Does the mention of a specific breed or seeing a large dog make you cringe? Looking beyond what one sees on the outside is truly canine in that dogs do not judge others based on their income, beauty or status. They love unconditionally, live in the moment and rejoice in all kindnesses shown them.

That is what Don’t Judge a Book by its Cover teaches children and reminds adults who share this story with them.  These are lessons no one is too young or too old to learn and practice and when explained through the eyes of a young girl and her first fur-ever friend, it becomes a heartwarming tale of love, kindness and friendship. It will make the most jaded of us take notice of any indiscretions we may show in the unfair judging of an individual based on the way he or she appears to only our eyes.

Mary-Alice and her friends like pretty clothes and hanging with the in-crowd, but when she requests a puppy for her birthday, her parents decide the fluffy one with the pink bow in the pet store may not be the best choice. Instead Mary-Alice ends up at the local Animal Shelter where she not only saves the life of a loving older dog, but learns that once you look beyond the plain cover of things, you can be treated to the true joys that lie underneath!

Looking beyond the cover is truly canine in that dogs do not judge others based on their income, beauty or status. They live in the moment rejoicing in every kindness they are shown. Humans, young and not-so-young, can learn pawmazing lessons from our four-legged friends and when they Don’t Judge a Book by its Cover.