

Don't Judge a Book by its Cover 
Denise Fleck, 2013
Dog Ear Publishing
24 pp.
ISBN-13: 9781457517587

It’s a sad fact…kids of all ages tease others based on their looks, what they wear and where they live. It’s another disheartening fact that dogs in black coats are less likely to be adopted from Animal Shelters.

Did you know that older, gentle, loving dogs who know their manners are generally over-looked by humans with blinders on while they search for an adorable puppy who will soil and chew up their house? Did it ever occur to you that man’s (and woman’s) four-legged best friend faces similar stereotypes to what people face? Does the mention of a specific breed or seeing a large dog make you cringe? Looking beyond what one sees on the outside is truly canine in that dogs do not judge others based on their income, beauty or status. They love unconditionally, live in the moment and rejoice in all kindnesses shown them.

That is what Don’t Judge a Book by its Cover teaches children and reminds adults who share this story with them.  These are lessons no one is too young or too old to learn and practice and when explained through the eyes of a young girl and her first fur-ever friend, it becomes a heartwarming tale of love, kindness and friendship. It will make the most jaded of us take notice of any indiscretions we may show in the unfair judging of an individual based on the way he or she appears to only our eyes.

Mary-Alice and her friends like pretty clothes and hanging with the in-crowd, but when she requests a puppy for her birthday, her parents decide the fluffy one with the pink bow in the pet store may not be the best choice. Instead Mary-Alice ends up at the local Animal Shelter where she not only saves the life of a loving older dog, but learns that once you look beyond the plain cover of things, you can be treated to the true joys that lie underneath!

Looking beyond the cover is truly canine in that dogs do not judge others based on their income, beauty or status. They live in the moment rejoicing in every kindness they are shown. Humans, young and not-so-young, can learn pawmazing lessons from our four-legged friends and when they Don’t Judge a Book by its Cover.

Author Bio
Birth—March 3, 1961
Where—Winter Park,Florida, USA
Education—University of Southern California
Currently—lives in Los Angeles, California

Author Denise Fleck was raised by a Great Dane and has spent her life loving animals having been dog mom to 11 and cat mom to 1. After a successful turn as a Motion Picture Studio Publicist, she followed her heart volunteering at animal shelters and teaching people to take better care of their four-legged friends.

In addition to sharing Pet Safety Tips in magazines, on TV and radio, through her company Sunny-dog Ink, she teaches Pet First-Aid/CPR to pet parents, trainers, groomers, pet sitters and any one interested in helping animals live longer, happier, healthier lives. She can also be found instilling her own passion for our furry, feathered, finned & scaled friends in high school students through an after-school Animal Care program she teaches weekly.

Denise’s own black Labrador Retriever, Mr. Rico, was the inspiration for Don’t Judge a Book by its Cover, but she and her husband Paul are currently owned by two Japanese Akitas—Haiku & Bonsai—who have stories of their own to share, so stay tuned. (From the author.)

Visit the author on Sunny Dog Ink.
Follow Denise on Facebook.

Book Reviews
My favorite books from my childhood that I remember the most clearly are ones that told a moral tale, wrapped up in an imaginative story. The Little Red Hen was one I asked to have read to me over and over, and aside from making me love chickens (as friends not food!) I really do believe it helped me understand me the value of patience, hard work, and the fruit—delicious bread—I’d get to eat as the result of my labors. When an acquaintance I admire told me she’d written a children’s book, I was intrigued. Author Denise Fleck  is not only a talented writer, she is the Past President of the Volunteers of the Burbank Animal Shelter, has her own line of pet first-aid kits, and she’s been on many TV shows demonstrating Pet First-Aid & CPCR. While she has written a series of animal care pocket guides, her latest book is a beautifully illustrated children’s story, Don’t Judge a Book by its Cover. Here’s more about this modern moral tale which can help teach children not to make judgements based solely on appearances—not just pets, but people too…. Mary-Alice and her friends like pretty clothes and hanging with the in-crowd, but when she requests a puppy for her birthday, her parents decide the fluffy one with the pink bow in the pet store may not be the best choice. Instead Mary-Alice ends up at the local Animal Shelter where she not only saves the life of a loving older dog, but learns that once you look beyond the plain cover of things, you can be treated to the true joys that lie underneath! Looking beyond the cover is truly canine in that dogs do not judge others based on their income, beauty or status. They live in the moment rejoicing in every kindness they are shown. Humans, young and not-so-young, can learn pawmazing lessons from our four-legged friends and when they Don’t Judge a Book by its Cover.

Author Denise Fleck’s new children’s book Don’t Judge a Book by its Cover, follows the main character Mary-Alice and her search for her very own “pawmazing” companion. Fleck uses her main character to teach readers that there is always more than what meets the eye.... Don’t Judge a Book by its Cover is the first in what will be a series of illustrated children’s storybooks…. Its message is "Pets are part of the family," Fleck says. Be sure to buy this book and look out for the rest of the series coming soon.
Cara Meyers - Global Animal
This book is a MUST have for both children and adults!! It delivers the important messsage about not judging others by their appearance or preconceived prejudices. This is especially true for our animals which have no voice. This book helps speak for the abandoned animals that need love and a family yet are overlooked for multiple reasons. If all children read this book we can begin to change the world as generations grow up with new found compassion. More than just a book this is a guide to becoming a better human thus creating a better world. 5.0 out of 5 stars AMAZING!!
Lindsay Neumann

This book is excellent for children. It teaches a valuable lesson that is often forgotten. The author also stresses the importance of adopting from an animal shelter. She sets you straight and squashes the misconceptions often associated with shelter animals. It's a great read and entertaining. Artwork is also captivating. I know it will be a book that my children reach for often at story time. Thank you for writing a book for children that champions our furry homeless friends!
Brenda Castaneda

Discussion Questions
1. Have you ever judged a person, animal or anything by what it looked like or what someone else told you about him/it?

2. What did you find out after you got to know the person or animal? Did you feelings change?

3. If you see a book or DVD with a picture on the cover that you like, are you more likely to buy it? What if it was just a plain wrapper—would you consider reading or watching it?

4. Why do you think it is harder for older dogs to get adopted?

5. When a pet gets old, is it okay to just give it away or abandon it? Explain your thoughts.

6. If you were walking down a line of cats or dogs, which color fur coats would most quickly attract your eye?

7. Have you ever formed an opinion about animal based only on his breed or name? How about a person based on where they came from, their accent, the color of their skin or hair or their name? How do you feel about this decision you made and did you change it?

8. What can you do to not misjudge in the future?

9. What is your picture of an Animal Shelter? Do you think it is a good place to adopt a pet from?

10. Do pet stores in your neighborhood sell dogs and cats? Do you know where the stores get those pets from?
(Questions courtesy of the author.)

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