

Angel Chronicles:  Undercover Angels
Elliot Dylan, 2010
ISBN-13: 9781453640098

Conner Forrest is just your average middle school boy. He hangs out with his friend Sarah and obsesses over his favorite TV show. But all that changes when the clerk at the local soda shop tells him he is Conner's guardian angel.

Now Conner is on the road to becoming an Undercover Angel. With constant attacks from both friends and foes, will he be able to withstand the onslaught? Christian fiction that combines the excitement of action novels with Biblical character building lessons woven into the story. Great for readers from middle schoolers through adults. (From the publisher.)

Author Bio
Where—state of Kansas, USA
Currently—lives in Kansas

Elliot is an novelist for Christian Youth. Elliot loves books and has always enjoyed writing. She feels a daily walk with God is important and wants to weave Bible studies into her books to encourage youth to read their Bibles and study God's Word daily.

Elliot is a college graduate with a digital imaging degree. She has two younger sisters who inspire her to write for youth.

When she's not writing her novels, she has a hobby creating art for her online comic-strip, "Subject to Change: College Woes," featuring spin-offs of her long-time friends who have gone off to Union and Southern Colleges, (without her!).

She also designs art for t-shirts and other products, featuring the crazy antics of the Subject to Change gang. (From the author's webpage.)

Book Reviews
I thought this novel was inspiring and thought-provoking. Undercover Angels put a desire in my heart to read more about what God calls us to do as Christians. Reading the author's thoughts about the armor of God gave me a new perspective on what kind of power God can have in our lives. This unique book shed a new light on my perspective of the spiritual realm. I was so impressed with the way the author describes the warfare between evil and good. Not only did this book open my mind to new ideas and opinions, but it also encouraged me as a Christian soldier to fight a better fight for the battle of righteousness.
Kayla Frishman

I thought this book might appeal only to a teenager but I really enjoyed it. I believe this author is filling a much-needed niche that hasn't been filled—that of Christian teen action-adventure. It's not one of those typical teen Christian fiction romance novels. In fact it's not about romance at all. It's a great book and I would recommend it for your middle to high school teens. I think boys would like it as much as girls because it has fantasy, action adventure, school, battles with armor and good and evil, and more. I'm going to be looking for this author to make an impact in the lives of Christian teens. The book is full of scripture quotes and shows teens making tough choices.
Nannette Thacker

Discussion Questions
1. When Conner found out he had been chosen to be part of the elite group of Undercover Angels he was excited. How would you react if your angel suddenly appeared and told you the same thing?

2. Sarah was pretty upset when Conner was selected to be a UA and she was not. How would you feel if your best friend was given a special position and you were not? How would you react?

3. William takes Conner and Sarah to see several Bible stories up close. If you could see any Bible story event which one would you want to see?

4. The story of creation is a grand and beautiful story of God's love. Why do you think God made each thing in the order He did during creation? If you could create anything from nothing like God did, what would you create?

5. If you had the Belt of Truth and could hear anyone's thoughts would you use the belt to help yourself or to help others? How could you use it to help others?

6. Conner and Sarah both thought the other had hurt them because of Adrian. If you were in the same situation how do you think you could have made the other believe it wasn't true? Have you ever been in a situation where you thought someone did something wrong and later found out it wasn't them? How did you handle it and how could you have handled it better?

7. Because of Sarah's jealousy she let Adrian's lies fool her into thinking she was the UA and Conner was part of Satan's Destructive Force. Have you ever let your jealousy fool you into thinking what you were doing was right? In the future how could you prevent that from happening?

8. To help him get good grades so he could raise the money for the convention Connor used the Helmet of Salvation to help him remember things. Why do you think Sarah got so mad at him? Do you think it was wrong for him to use it, and why?

9. With each piece of armor Conner gained a new ability such as walking on water and flying. What piece of armor would you want? What could you do with it to help others?

10. In the Bible David killed a man to hide his sin. Can you really hide your sins? Why or why not? If God knows everything can you really hide anything from Him?

11. Sarah and Conner were both hurt in different ways with the loss of Rafe. Have you ever lost anyone? How did you deal with it? How could you have dealt with it? What could Conner have done differently to deal with his anger over the loss?

12. Though Rafe hurt a lot of people during his time as Loki, in the end he realized he was wrong and sought forgiveness. Do you think God forgave him? Why or why not?
(Questions courtesy of the author.)

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