

Book Reviews
I thought this novel was inspiring and thought-provoking. Undercover Angels put a desire in my heart to read more about what God calls us to do as Christians. Reading the author's thoughts about the armor of God gave me a new perspective on what kind of power God can have in our lives. This unique book shed a new light on my perspective of the spiritual realm. I was so impressed with the way the author describes the warfare between evil and good. Not only did this book open my mind to new ideas and opinions, but it also encouraged me as a Christian soldier to fight a better fight for the battle of righteousness.
Kayla Frishman

I thought this book might appeal only to a teenager but I really enjoyed it. I believe this author is filling a much-needed niche that hasn't been filled—that of Christian teen action-adventure. It's not one of those typical teen Christian fiction romance novels. In fact it's not about romance at all. It's a great book and I would recommend it for your middle to high school teens. I think boys would like it as much as girls because it has fantasy, action adventure, school, battles with armor and good and evil, and more. I'm going to be looking for this author to make an impact in the lives of Christian teens. The book is full of scripture quotes and shows teens making tough choices.
Nannette Thacker