

Blood Line 
John J. Davis, 2014
Simon & Winter
251 pp.
ISBN-13: 9780990314417

If your family is a target, you have to be a weapon.

A Granger Spy Novel, Blood Line, is a high-voltage debut spy thriller and the first in a series about a family with killer talents. A father who is a former one-man kill squad for the CIA, a mother who is a past assassin for the Mossad, and a daughter coveted by both agencies. The Grangers are a blood-loyal clan—it’s how they stay alive.
When a simple home invasion turns out to be not so simple, Ron Granger must put aside his quiet rural life and return to the Central Intelligence Agency to take on international arms dealers.
Aided by his beautiful wife, Valerie, and resourceful teen daughter, Leecy, Ron must quickly decide who to believe—the calculating opportunists, shrewd criminals, or the power-hungry rival intelligence agencies. Any ally could be fatal—all of them are racing to possess the technological breakthrough that will forever change the face of modern warfare. But when Leecy is kidnapped, Ron and Val must choose between the mission and a rescue.
Facing an impossible decision, with time running out, Ron only knows one thing:  When you can't trust anyone else, trust your family.

Author Bio
John J. Davis is the author of the Granger Spy Novel series, including Blood Line (2014)and  Bloody Truth, (Spring 2015).
Davis grew up in the Southeastern US and after university traveled extensively in North America during his career as a regional sales rep and independent broker for leaders in the transportation, shipping and pharma industries. His years sitting in lobbies and airports honed his skill for human observation and fed his talent for writing fast-paced, character-driven stories.
His inspiration for the Granger family-of-spies comes from the people he has known and his family roots in the Carolinas—the extraordinarily strong and gentle women and men, whose lives are defined by the love, trust and respect for family. Currently at work on the third Granger Spy Novel and a screenplay, Davis lives near Atlanta with his wife, daughter and two dogs.

Visit the author's website.
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Book Reviews
Blood Line is compelling, with accelerating pace, surprising twists and a spectacular ending—readers will be eager for the sequel, coming soon!
Alan Rinzler, Consulting Editor

A story that gets deeper and more complex as you read…an original thriller.
Goodreads Review

This is a family to be reckoned with. Blood Line is non-stop, it holds you right from the first paragraph…well written and impossible to put down. John J. Davis has an immense imagination and I want to read more of his work.|
Goodreads Review

Brilliant and riveting book…throwing the reader straight into this dark fantasy. This is one good read…action, suspense, infant history and romance all in one boom!
Goodreads Review
Detailed, utterly intriguing and electrifying. The story blasts off and just keeps getting better and better. I couldn't put it down.
Goodreads Review

The first book in a series of novels about the Granger Family, and the way this book ends guarantees that I'll be picking up a copy of the next book in the series as soon as it's released!
Goodreads Review

…absolutely marvelous escapism a true beach read. With action and intrigue, there is a little stuff for the conspiracy theorist in us all.  I look forward to the next in the series.
Goodreads Review

Davis sets a solid foundation for more adventures. Sharply written, starring characters readers will be happy to meet again.
Kirkus Reviews

Discussion Questions
1. How would you describe the Granger family dynamic? How would you describe each character—Ron, Valerie & Leecy? Do you think Ron and Valerie have a close relationship?

2. Who do you feel is the main character in Blood Line? Which character do you relate to the most?

3. If you were Leecy's parents, would you have waited to tell her the truth about her family and family history? Why or why not? Would you make the same choice Leecy made to follow in her parent's footsteps?

4. Normal marriage partners and families don't reveal every last detail; they have surprise parties and events, for example. How would the Granger's deal with this side of family life?

5. Do you have a favorite quote or scene from the book?

6. This book is the start of a series, so it was necessary to include a lot of background information. Do you feel the background gave you a better understanding of the family?

7. John wanted the women in the book—Valerie, Leecy and Wakefield—to come across as strong, independent women. Did you get a sense of this underlying theme throughout the book? What scenes really cemented in your head their strength?

8. The second novel will launch in the spring of 2015. What do you think the Grangers should do next?
(Questions courtesy of the author.)

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