

Discussion Questions
1. How would you describe the Granger family dynamic? How would you describe each character—Ron, Valerie & Leecy? Do you think Ron and Valerie have a close relationship?

2. Who do you feel is the main character in Blood Line? Which character do you relate to the most?

3. If you were Leecy's parents, would you have waited to tell her the truth about her family and family history? Why or why not? Would you make the same choice Leecy made to follow in her parent's footsteps?

4. Normal marriage partners and families don't reveal every last detail; they have surprise parties and events, for example. How would the Granger's deal with this side of family life?

5. Do you have a favorite quote or scene from the book?

6. This book is the start of a series, so it was necessary to include a lot of background information. Do you feel the background gave you a better understanding of the family?

7. John wanted the women in the book—Valerie, Leecy and Wakefield—to come across as strong, independent women. Did you get a sense of this underlying theme throughout the book? What scenes really cemented in your head their strength?

8. The second novel will launch in the spring of 2015. What do you think the Grangers should do next?
(Questions courtesy of the author.)

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