

Book Reviews
Cache a Predator grabbed me from the very first chapter and into the unhinged predatory mind of a vigilante on the rampage for justice. I am a fan of SVU, Bones, and Dexter, thus this novel is right up my alley. I love the unpredictable plot and the pacing is faultless. The characterization is the best I have read so far. Mind-blowing from start to end, I finished my reading in just one sitting. I highly recommend Cache a Predator to any readers who are looking for a new, excellent crime novel that is heartrending and thought-provoking.
Lit Amri - Readers' Favorite

When a couple taking part in a geo-caching game find the box they have been lead to by following the coordinates on their GPS, they are horrified to find a body part. Thinking the find is a one off occurrence the police are not prepared for another call with the same find. Putting the pieces together the police realize the predator is targeting pedophiles.
Jodi Hanson - Chapters and Chats

From the very first chapter, I was riveted. M.Weidenbenner writes in such a way that I can't imagine how and when something more predatory than what is already happening could possibly come into this storyline, and then, all of a sudden, it's there. I'm in the middle of something way more scary and I'm terrified for more than one character. I am IN the story. Once you start reading Cache a Predator you won't stop until the end. You'll talk to the characters, telling them to do something different, or something this way or that way. You'll root for the victims, the underdogs, the perpetrator, the hero. You find yourself telling your hero or heroine to "watch out for that one." Whatever you do, you will finish it, close it, and sit still for a few minutes. Then you will be looking for more from this author!

Cache a Predator was intense and had real life scenarios that was truly tough to see but they where real. Abuse is real and it was very difficult to read and the author wrote with such great insight. The book was a page turner, I was truly hoping that Brett would find Quinn and that she was okay. This book is like watching Criminal Minds or Law and Order. I had a guess on who was the perpetrator but I was slightly wrong. I loved the characters especially how much of a good father Brett was. One thing that I truly appreciated was that Clay and even Brett's father were open in offering their prayers, Clay even prayed for Brett which to me was awesome because I rarely see that in the books I've been reading.
Pia Bernardino

I've never read any other book like this one, and you haven't either. Weidenbenner spins a uniquely compelling tale that is a paradoxical mix of experiences—it manages to be raw and gritty, edgy and suspenseful, warm and inspirational, and thoroughly involving from beginning to end. The characters are made of flesh and blood, and totally believable. The author writes about dark and disturbing issues with a deft and assured hand. Though parts of the book are so intense as to make a grown man squirm, Weidenbenner carries it off tastefully and without prurience.
Jim Denney