

Discussion Questions
1. The vigilante in this novel was a victim of sex abuse. Do you know of someone who was abused as a child? How has the abuse affected them and those around them? Often times the victim is treated, but what about the others who are affected by the victim's experience? How does society help victims? Is it enough?

2. The vigilante likes to play games and plants the body parts in geocaching sites. Have you ever been geocaching? If so, what was the most unique item that you found? If you've never geocached before would you consider trying it with your family? Why/why not? How many cache sites do you have in your community? There are over 450 sites in Hursey Lake, Indiana. Did that seem far-fetched? How would the police in your area handle this type of situation?

3. Do you know how many sex offenders live in your city? Did you know you can look online to find a map that shows where they live, their names, and when they were convicted? Would you let this sway you from moving into your dream home if the house was near an offender?

4. We often hear of men who suffer from substance abuse, but not as many women. In your experience, does it seem like there are more mothers who are unable to cope with trying to do it all—have a career and be a great mom? Do you think there are more men who are addicts or is it that we don't hear of the women as often?
(Questions courtesy of the author.)

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