

Author Bio
Where—Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Education—Two M.A's., San Francisco State
Currently—lives in Richmond, California

A Canadian by birth, a high school dropout, and a mother at 17, in her early years, Lily Iona MacKenzie supported herself as a stock girl for the Hudson’s Bay Company, as a long distance operator, and as a secretary (Bechtel Corp sponsored her into the States).

She also was a cocktail waitress at San Francisco’s Fairmont Hotel, was the first woman to work on the SF docks and almost got her legs broken, founded and managed a homeless shelter in Marin County, co-created The Story Shoppe, a weekly radio program for children, and eventually earned two Master’s degrees, one in Creative Writing and the other in the Humanities.

Her reviews, interviews, short fiction, poetry, travel pieces, essays, and memoir have appeared in over 155 American and Canadian venues. Fling! was published in 2015. Curva Peligrosa, another novel, launches in 2017.  Freefall: A Divine Comedy will be released in 2018. Her poetry collection All This was published in 2011.

Lily taught at the University of San Francisco for over 30 years and currently teaches creative writing in USF’s Fromm Institute for Lifelong Learning. (From the author.)

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