

Dream Lake  (Friday Harbor Series, 3)
Lisa Kleypas, 2012
St. Martin's Press
384 pp.
ISBN-13: 9781250008299

Dream Lake takes readers once again to the exquisite setting of Friday Harbor, and tells the story of Zoe Hoffman, an innkeeper who has all but given up on love. She’s a gentle, romantic soul, but has been so hurt in the past that she dare not trust her heart with anyone. Especially not Alex Nolan. Alex is the most haunted of all the Nolan brothers. He drinks to keep his demons at bay and not only has he given up on love, he has never, ever believed in it.

Zoe and Alex are oil and water, fire and ice, sunshine and shadow. But sometimes, it takes only a glimmer of light to chase away the dark. Dream Lake is classic Lisa Kleypas: romantic, powerful, emotional, and magical. (From the publisher.)

Author Bio
Education—B.A., Wellesley College
Awards—RITA Award (twice)
Currently—lives in Washington, USA

Lisa Kleypas is a best-selling American author of historical and contemporary romance novels.

Kleypas has always loved to read, especially within the romance genre. She began writing her own romance novels during her summer breaks from studying political science at Wellesley College, Her parents agreed to support her for a few months after her graduation so that she could finish her latest manuscript. Approximately two months later, at age 21, Kleypas sold her first novel.

At approximately the same time, the 5'2" Kleypas was named Miss Massachusetts. During her competition at the Miss America pageant, Kleypas sang a song she had written, earning her a "talented nonfinalist" award.

Kleypas has been a full-time romance writer since selling that first book. Her novels have ranked high on major best-seller lists, sold millions of copies around the globe and have been translated into fourteen different languages.

In October 1998, Kleypas's Texas home flooded within a matter of hours after heavy rains inundated their town. She and her family lost everything except the clothes they were wearing and her purse. Within days,her colleagues at Avon sent boxes of clothes and books to help the family recover. For Kleypas, though, the defining moment was the after the flood, when she and her mother (whose home had also flooded), made a quick trip to the store to purchase toothbrushes, clean clothes, and other necessities. Separately, each of them had also chosen a romance novel, a necessity to them in helping them escape the stress they were currently under. To Kleypas, this realization validated her decision to write romance novels instead of more literary works.

Though primarily known for her historical romance novels, Kleypas made an announcement in early 2006 concerning her momentary departure from historical romances to delve into the contemporary romance genre. She does plan to write historical romances again in the future.

Lisa lives in Washington with her husband, Gregory, and their two children. (From Wikipedia.)

Book Reviews
It works perfectly. With her effortlessly poetic prose and flawless characterisation, Kleypas managed to make every page feel like a delicious morsel for your mind to devour. We savoured every single word.... Dream Lake is a thing of beauty from start to finish. Read it!
Heat Magazine

This is a romance - and a lovely one.... The tie between the past generation and the present is particularly well done, as poignant as an old song
RT Book Reviews

The amnesiac ghost of a World War II pilot could be just what Alex Nolan needs. The third in Kleypas' (Rainshadow Road, 2012, etc.) Friday Harbor series follows the fortunes of the youngest Nolan brother. Emotionally starved by his alcoholic parents, Alex learned to trust no one. When his wife, Darcy, asks for a divorce.... Erasing himself bit by bit, Alex nonetheless begins helping his brother, Sam, renovate a beautiful home on Rainshadow Road. The moment Zoe Hoffman walks in the door with a plate of blueberry muffins, however, Alex realizes he is in trouble.... Alex and Zoe are clearly meant for each other and predictably try to deny their obvious attraction. Luckily, Alex has also met the ghost, who has lived in the old house for over 60 years.... Surprisingly, the ghost character works, allowing other magical events in the novel to seem less contrived. A little magic, a lot of romance and well-drawn characters make a satisfying read.
Kirkus Reviews

Discussion Questions
1. Do you believe in ghosts? If so, why? If not, why not? Have you had any experience with supernatural events in your life?

2. What factors do you think have brought Alex Nolan to the bad state he is in when the novel opens? And in what ways do you see Alex’s story mirrored in the ghost’s?

3. Zoe and Alex are opposites in every way. Do you believe this made their attraction more compelling?

4. Of the three Nolan brothers, why do you think Alex is the most damaged, even though they all come from the same family background?

5. What was the turning point for you in Alex and Zoe’s relationship? When did you truly believe that these two belonged together? Was there any moment in the book when you felt that they should not be together?

6. How realistically do you think the author handled Alzheimer’s disease in this novel?

7. In the context of the novel, do you believe that the childlike aspects of Alzheimer’s make one more open to the possibilities of the supernatural?

8. What elements of Friday Harbor itself make it come alive to you? Is Friday Harbor a place you’d like to visit? To live? Why or why not?

9. Why do you think the ghost could not cross over and what do you believe occurred to make it possible?

10. What is the author trying to say about true love and the power of love?
(Questions issued by publisher.)

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