

Discussion Questions
1. Do you believe in ghosts? If so, why? If not, why not? Have you had any experience with supernatural events in your life?

2. What factors do you think have brought Alex Nolan to the bad state he is in when the novel opens? And in what ways do you see Alex’s story mirrored in the ghost’s?

3. Zoe and Alex are opposites in every way. Do you believe this made their attraction more compelling?

4. Of the three Nolan brothers, why do you think Alex is the most damaged, even though they all come from the same family background?

5. What was the turning point for you in Alex and Zoe’s relationship? When did you truly believe that these two belonged together? Was there any moment in the book when you felt that they should not be together?

6. How realistically do you think the author handled Alzheimer’s disease in this novel?

7. In the context of the novel, do you believe that the childlike aspects of Alzheimer’s make one more open to the possibilities of the supernatural?

8. What elements of Friday Harbor itself make it come alive to you? Is Friday Harbor a place you’d like to visit? To live? Why or why not?

9. Why do you think the ghost could not cross over and what do you believe occurred to make it possible?

10. What is the author trying to say about true love and the power of love?
(Questions issued by publisher.)

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