

FATA! The Act of the Avengeance  (The de'Conte Series, 4)
Nicholas Borelli, 2012
360 pp.
ISBN-13: 9781463654115

The virtually continuous abuse of females in our society compels some to debate and impels others to act. Every father must protect his daughter—and all of our daughters need protection.

Niccolo Cervantes de’Conti began his career as a New York City Prosecutor and rose to become the United States Attorney in New York. He then entered private practice at a prominent, New York law firm, The Union and Metropolitan.

Years before, Nick de’Conti’s college-age daughter, Elspeth, was kidnapped, raped, tortured and murdered. The system he trusted failed him. He reverted to the base instincts of his youth in inner-city East Harlem and murdered his daughter’s killers.

As a result, de’Conti is recruited into FATA!, a secret society of wealthy, middle-age men (The Protectors) and admiring young women (The Communicators), that avenges the deaths of females lost to violence (The Lost Ones). FATA! stands for Fathers Against the Abuse; de’Conti becomes prominent in this cult of grieving fathers and the sisters of young women murdered by predatory men.

De’Conti and his cult accomplish in the darkness of the night what law enforcement cannot achieve in the bright light of day.