

Discussion Questions
1. Would you consider de’Conti a serial killer?

2. Is he cruel and, if so, is he justified in being so?

3. What do you think of his technique? Are his assumptions about the technique and its effect obtaining the desired result?

4. What is your psychological assessment of Nick de’Conti?

5. Discuss his myriad romantic entanglements.

6. What do you think of Henrietta, his transgender guardian at Rikers Island? What do you think of his evolving reaction toward her?

7. Were you shocked by the ending twist?

8. Do you think, if you’re a woman, that de'Conti is at once, simultaneously, alluring and revolting?

9. What do you think of The Pig and Gabriella Desjardins?

10. What do you think of the book’s cover? Does the mask evoke a cult and would this novel make for a good feature film?
(Questions courtesy of the author.)

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