

five-selvesFive Selves 
Emanuela Barasch-Rubinstein, 2015
Holland House Books
190 pp.
ISBN-13: 9781909374799

Five Selves is a collection of five stories.

"A Bird Flight," is about a woman traveling from Israel to Chicago after the death of her father. It is the story of my own dealing with the death of my beloved father.

"Earrings" is about a relationship between a grandmother and granddaughter in Israel—three generations of Israeli women, three stages of Israeli society.

"The Grammar Teacher" is a reflection on the changing values of our world; an excellent, hardworking teacher is fired because she is not assertive or "modern" enough.

"Watchdog" is a story about dealing with phobia. A young man manages to overcome his fear of dogs.

"Aura,"  an experimental work, depicts a man waking up after a severe accident, unable to recognize his family. It is an attempt to adopt a primordial perspective. (From the author.)