

Author Bio
Where—Jerusalem, Israel
Education— B.A., M.A., Ph.D., Hebrew University, Jerusalem
Currently—lives in Tel Aviv, Israel

Emanuela Barasch-Rubinstein is an author, scholar in the Humanities, and a blogger. She focuses on cultural symbols and themes, and studies their effect on human behavior.

Emanuela was born in Jerusalem. Her parents fled their homes in Eastern Europe at the outbreak of World War II, wandered for years during the war, until they finally came to Israel. Her father was an art historian, Moshe Barasch. He encouraged Emauela's humanistic education and enthusiastically nurtured any intellectual curiosity.

The choice of studying in the faculty of the Humanities at the Hebrew University was a natural one. Her B.A. is in Comparative Literature and Philosophy. Her M.A. and Ph.D. are in the field of Comparative Religion. She was part of the Comparative Religions graduate program at Tel Aviv University, and now she is part of the Nevzlin Center for Jewish Peoplehood Studies at the Interdisciplinary Center (IDC) in Herzlya, a private academic center.

Emanuela engages in literary writing. A collection of five novellas, Five Selves, was published by Holland House Books in the UK. She wrote the stories in Hebrew and translate them herself into English.

Emanuela runs a successful blog: On Ourselves and Others on literature, art history, history, and other cultural topics, with a pronounced Israeli perspective.

Emanuela has published scholarly books on the cultural perception of Nazism: The Devil, the Saints, and the Church (Peter Lang, 2004), Nazi Devil (Magnes Press, 2010), and Mephisto in the Third Reich (De Gruyter Press, 2014).