

Book Reviews
Five Weeks to Jamaica by Doug Oudin is a book in the fiction section. It traces the journey of the passengers from the coast of Mexico to Jamaica, aboard the cruise ship, Explorer.

Five weeks of non-stop fun and adventuring at the sea? Definitely yes! ... The book is written in third person, covering the individual stories of the passengers which are effortlessly intertwined with the central theme of their tumultuous but exciting journey across the ocean. The author has penned down a story with rich and colorful descriptions, which leave a strong visual imprint on the reader’s mind....

The characters display the complex human emotions fairly well. The emotional turmoil faced by some of the characters and their ensuing troubled romances, are captured nicely by the author. There is an air of believability about the characters, especially how they slowly come to trust each other and overcome their inhibitions. The struggles of the group and their determination to enjoy the trip, despite the troubles, dangers and a few mishaps, have been portrayed very well by the author.

This book will appeal to all the readers who love the sea. It will also appeal to those readers who love travelling, if not the ocean (like me). I rate the book 4 out of 4 stars, for its believable characters and wondrous scenes.
Online Bookclub, a professional review

I found Five weeks to Jamaica to be a great read! I was hooked just from reading the Preface. I have been a licensed Yacht Delivery Captain for almost thirty years and have been to many of the locations described in the book (very accurately by Doug Oudin). The whole premise of a group of people from many different walks of life, willing to take that leap of faith on a far from pristine yacht, with a questionable crew and ship on a dangerous and uncertain journey staggers the imagination! This cruise would be filled with possible problems and mishaps with the best of ships and crews and to venture out of the harbor on that ship was obviously going to be the start of a wild and uncertain ride. All aspects of this voyage was masterfully written by Doug Oudin. He brought all the characters to life and put you in the middle of this wild ride. I read the book in two days and cannot wait for his next one! (Five stars.)
Robert Murcott

Loved the story so much. It gave me an awesome look into the lives of those who love the sea, and spend their life on it. I thought the ending was poignant, and thought provoking. Thank you for sharing this adventure! (Five stars.)
Monica Murphy, Amazon Customer

A fascinating read with a new adventure on almost every page; author Doug Oudin describes, in intimate detail, the lives of his characters, fishing, surfing, the beauty and mishaps while aboard a yacht and sailboat, as well as capturing the beauty of the lands and cultures from Mexico, through Central America, and on to the Caribbean. (Four stars.)
Doranne Long, Goodreads