

Discussion Questions
1. How do you like the character development, particularly the four main characters, but also the supporting characters like Captain Ellis, Tiona, Guillermo, Sanford, and Jeffrey Smythe?

2. Do the scene and setting descriptions enhance the storyline? Are the ports and harbors visited along the way described in a manner that helps you visualize the tropical beauty and cultural depictions?

3. Is Tiona's flirtatious personality and promiscuity merely a quest for her to get attention, or might she have deeper rooted personal issues?

4. When Jeffrey Smythe joins the cruise, does his arrival immediately arouse Kurt's ire, or is it Smythe's infatuation with Madison that creates tension and distrust from Kurt?

5. What is the cause of Captain Ellis' gradual transformation? Is his personality change due to some form of substance abuse, or is it merely the pressure from having to constantly try to hold things together aboard a ship that is obviously falling to pieces?

6. How well do the plot twists and turns enhance the story? Does the ending fit well with the storyline?
(Questions courtesy of the author.)

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