

Author Bio
Where—San Diego, California, USA
 Currently—lives in San Diego, California

Margaret Dilloway grew up in San Diego, California, the daughter of a Japanese mother and an American father (of Irish-Welsh origin, if you must know). A writer since she could wield a pencil and make coherent words, Margaret dabbled in other art forms, including a major in Studio Art at Scripps College. After college, she worked as Contributing Editor for two weekly newspapers; wrote and sold Bluetooth For Dummies (canceled, but used the money for LASIK so it wasn’t a total loss); and did a lot of random online writing and mystery shopping to bring in income while she watched over her three kids and improved her fiction writing.

She lives in San Diego with her children and husband, a former Army Ranger (known as Cadillac on this blog). Cadillac is rather like Mr. Darcy, because he appears very stern but he’s sweet inside (well, really only to his wife. Who I am, though I’m writing about myself in third person).

Check out 20 Random Things to learn other fun facts about Margaret. (From the author's website.)