

Book Reviews
Abuelaish's no-frills account of a life lived under siege. A man with many Israeli friends, Abuelaish puts real human beings back at the heart of one of history's more intractable conflicts.
Independent (UK)

(Starred review.) Abuelaish knows anger, but in this impassioned, committed attempt to show the reader life on the sliver of land that is Gaza, he demonstrates that "anger is not the same as hate."
Publishers Weekly

This is a serious book, often painful to read. I cannot imagine the strength of character it takes to endure the losses he has without entertaining thoughts of revenge. Hug your kids. —Therese Purcell Nielsen, "Memoir Short Takes", Booksmack!
Library Journal

Inspiring…[and] deeply affecting narrative told in a voice of poignant simplicity, punctuated by injunctions to love that are far from corny, tried as they are by the searing experiences of a righteous man striving to act decently in a place of madness.
Kirkus Reviews