

Discussion Questions
The following questions were graciously submitted to LitLovers by Nuha Miley and the Lutheran Church of the Master Book Club in Coeur d Alene, Idaho. Thank you!

1. Talk about what Muslims do for their dead (p. 78).

2. Why is it so easy to hate what we don't know, and why shouldn't we hate (p. 42)?

3. What does intifada mean?

4. What made Izzeldin Abuelaish decide to become a doctor?

5. Abuelaish says anger is not the same as hate. What is the difference? How do any of us prevent one from leading to the other?

6. What lessons can all of us, individuals and countries alike, learn from Dr. Abuelaish?

7. By any standards, the hospital in Gaza is in a shocking state of disrepair. How was such a vital institution allowed to deteriorate?

(Questions by Nuha Miley. Please feel free to use them, online and off, with attribution to both Nuha and LitLovers. Thanks.)

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