

Book Reviews
Readers will appreciate a heightened perspective when comparing Rachel’s loss and struggles to the mass slaughter of an entire ethnic group. I left the book wanting to know more about current relations between the Hutus and Tutsis.
Abby Fabiaschi, AUTHOR - LitLovers

A woman’s pursuit of the truth about what happened to her father leads her to post-genocide Rwanda in Haupt’s ambitious debut.… Even though it’s ostensibly about the Rwandan genocide, Haupt’s story is one of humanity and hope.
Publishers Weekly

[T]hese resilient women embody the grace of a nation moving forward after unspeakable loss. Verdict: Journalist Haupt spent time in Rwanda researching the nature of grief and forgiveness. In this intensely beautiful debut, she shows that it's indeed the women who hold up half the sky. —Sally Bissell, formerly with Lee Cty. Lib. Syst., Fort Myers, FL
Library Journal

There are villains and horrible atrocities with far-reaching effects, but as Haupt examines events through different perspectives, the focus is on healing rather than revenge and anger.… [A] good choice for those seeking tales of hope after adversity and may prove popular with book clubs.

[T]his novel is a glittering gem.
Powell's City of Books, Seattle