

Discussion Questions
1. Which character were you most interested in learning more about and why?

2. All of the characters have secrets they keep from each other for various reasons. Did you think these reasons were selfish or compassionate—or both?

3. Which character’s main dilemma could you relate to the most and why?

4. Were there any characters who, at first, you had little empathy for and then developed more compassion as their storyline progressed?

5. There are several love affairs in this novel. Which one drew you in the most and why?

6. Which character surprised you the most—when and why?

7. Forgiveness is a theme in this novel. Where there any characters who were forgiven, who you thought shouldn’t have been? Where there any characters who weren’t forgiven who you thought should have been?

8. How do each of the main characters learn to embrace “Amahoro,” sorrow for the past and hope for the future?
(Questions courtesy of the author.)

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