

Book Reviews
[A] breezy, intermittently amusing and somewhat unfocused first essay collection....The problem is that Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me? doesn’t provide enough strong evidence of this awesomeness. A mix of childhood memoir, inside-Hollywood confessional and commentary on important cultural matters...the book takes unnecessary detours that sometimes do it a disservice.... What she says is entertaining and makes you want to be her BFF, but some of the details will fade as quickly as those tannins leave the tongue
Washington Post

The fashion opinions of Kelly Kapoor mixed with a Miss Manners-esque advice column.

If you love Kelly and think the three minutes or so allotted her on episodes of The Office are too few, you can take home Mindy.
The New Yorker

[H]ilarious and relatable—just like Kaling’s classic Tweets.
Ladies Home Journal

(Audio version.) Kaling charts the course of her varied life, while offering often hilarious, sometimes poignant tips and words of wisdom mined from her childhood and adult life.... Kaling’s fresh humor, one-liners, and analogies...make this audio worth listening to a second time and sharing with friends.
Publishers Weekly