

Discussion Questions
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Also consider these LitLovers talking points to help start a discussion for Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me?:

1. Mindy Kaling knows, and admits in the book's introduction, that the book will be (has been) compared to Tina Fey's Bossy Pants. Is she correct? Have you read Fey's book...and if so, what do you think? Perhaps, more to the point, why the comparisons to begin with? What do the two women have in common?

2. Discuss Kaling's background—her childhood, family, and education—and how it shaped her success in the entertainment field, as a writer, a comic, and an actress.

3. Talk about speciic moments in Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me? that you found especially relatable to your own life: her embarrassments and disappointments, her triumphs, or her observations about contemporary culture.

4. Do you find the book humorous? Which parts are particularly funny to you...and why? Do any parts of the book make you sad or angry (the People magazine photo shoot with only size 0 clothing)?

5. Do you come away liking Mindy Kaling more after having read her book...or less?

(Questions by LitLovers. Please feel free to use them, online or off, with attribution. Thanks.)

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