

Author Bio
Whether she is writing books or taking photographs, Sally Wiener Grotta is the consummate storyteller. Her words and pictures reflect her deep humanism and appreciation for the poignancy of life. As an award-winning, internationally respected journalist, she has authored literally many hundreds of articles, columns and reviews for scores of glossy magazines, newspapers and online publications, plus numerous non-fiction books. Her features, columns, reviews and books are marked by a narrative style that entertains as well as informs.

Having traveled on assignment throughout the world to all continents (including three visits to Antarctica) and numerous exotic islands (such as Papua New Guinea), Sally’s work has appeared a wide range of publications including: Woman’s Day, American Heritage,  Islands, The Robb Report, Popular Science, and others. 

Her numerous non-fiction books were published by John Wiley, McGraw-Hill and other major houses. Her short fiction has appeared in The North Atlantic Review. She is also the photographer/storyteller behind the widely acclaimed American Hands narrative portrait project (, which has received over three dozen grants and other honors.

Jo Joe is Sally’s first novel; her next one The Winter Boy will be published by Pixel Hall Press in the last quarter of 2013.

Sally Wiener Grotta is a popular speaker on the business and art of writing at conferences and other events, as well as on photography and the traditional tradespeople of American Hands. Sally welcomes invitations to participate in discussions with book clubs (sometimes in person, more often via Skype or phone), and to do occasional readings. To arrange a discussion, please visit Sally's website—where you can also connect with her through Facebook, Twitter and Linked in. (From the publisher.)