

Discussion Questions
1. Is there a difference between prejudice and bigotry?

2. Do you know anyone of mixed race and/or religion? How do you think their lives are different?

3. Do you think Joe made the right choice when they were children? Why?

4. If Joe and Judith had married, would it have lasted? Why? What do you think their life together would have been like?

5. [spoiler] Why didn't Joe become like his father and brother? Is bigotry and hatred inherited?

6. Would the story have been different if they had gone to high school today rather than 20 years ago? In what way?

7. Would the story have been different if it had been before or after President Obama's election? In what way?

8. Does being black affect Judith's Judaism? Does being Jewish affect her heritage as a black woman?

9. How would Judith's life have been different if she had been raised a Christian?

10. What do you honestly think of the grandmother? In what ways was she right and/or wrong?
(Questions issued by the publisher.)

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