

Kill Them Wherever You Find Them 
David Hunter, 2014
357 pp.
B00HQ16E7O (Kindle)

After a Level Four bio-hazard lab in Russia is decommissioned, terrorists acquire two deadly strains of Anthrax and Ebola which they modify and weaponize for release in the State of Israel and large cities globally with a significant Jewish population.

In response to this threat, which was uncovered by the Israeli foreign intelligence agency, the Mossad, 'The Project' is conceived as a means of using time itself to assure the two leaders of the terror organization are never born. Jeff Stauffenberg, a former Special Operations soldier from the United States, is selected for his unique background to step back in time, first as an experimental test run in the state of Virginia during the Civil War, to eliminate the head of a deadly racist clan.

His venture in the past, and subsequent movements, are hampered when he is shot in the leg and held by the Confederate Army as a Union spy. As the book unfolds he is able to carry out his objective, returning to current space-time little worse for the wear. Jeff's physical wounds will heal, emotionally he has to deal with his Mormon beliefs and the requirement to kill innocents—ancestors of the terrorists—to complete the second phase.

The initial phase a stunning success, with minimal "ripple effects" in the new time line, Phase Two is put into action. No plan is perfect, complications arise, and the bio agents are released. Heroism, betrayal, love, treason, all interweave with the main characters to bring this story to a riveting conclusion.

Author Bio
Birth—March 15, 1957
Where—Arvada, Colorado, USA
Currently—lives in Phoenix, Arizona

David Honaker (pen name "David Hunter") is a husband, father(-in-law), and grandfather (“Guppy”). He served a mission for the LDS Church in Brasil, later spending a few months in the sovereign and independent State of Israel. These and other life experiences heightened his love of, and respect for, different cultures and beliefs and contributed to a deeper understanding of the complex religious-geo-political issues impacting our world.

David is an ardent political Zionist without losing sight of the worth of each individual person to be found on the various sides of the issue. He looks forward to the elusive solution for a permanent peace between Israel and her neighbors in the region, including the Palestinians.

A life-long student of major world religions with a focus on the five Abrahamic faiths (Judiasm, Christianity, Islam, Babi and Bahá'í faiths), geopolitics, languages, physics (especially Quantum, Particle, and Theoretical), mathematics, and all things geek, he interweaves these passions into his books. (From the author.)

Visit the author's website.

Book Reviews
I read constantly and this is the best book I have ever read! I stayed up very late on a work night to keep reading this book; I finished it in less than 24 hours! I've recommended it to my family and friends and even loaned my Nook to someone so they could read it, which I have never done before.

I have not read this genre before, but I will read the other two books in this thrilogy as soon as they're published. The plot is fascinating and takes you on an amazing trip into a world we hope never to meet. The characters are utterly believable and you can easily understand their emotions and what drives them. You love and hate them with your whole heart. You also feel sorry for some.

I was a little afraid of understanding the scientific and geopolitical aspects as I am not familiar with either. It was not a hindrance at all.

Thank you, Mr. Hunter, for the best book I have ever read! I have bookmarked your website and eagerly await the next book!
Lynn E. Stauff, Amazon Customer Review

Discussion Questions
1. Under what circumstances would you put love ahead of country, or would you?

2. The book deals with a terror plot. Terrorism is increasingly commonplace in the world in which we live. To what length would you go to protect your loved ones if you knew a terrorist was living in your midst?

3. This is a question posed in the book to a group of the characters, "If you knew Hitler as a child, and knew what he would be come and what he would do to millions, would and could you kill him?"

4. If you could go back and change something in time, not certain of the consequences in our own time-line, would you do so?

5. Which character resonated with you the most, and why?
(Questions provided courtesy of the author.)

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