

Author Bio
Birth—March 15, 1957
Where—Arvada, Colorado, USA
Currently—lives in Phoenix, Arizona

David Honaker (pen name "David Hunter") is a husband, father(-in-law), and grandfather (“Guppy”). He served a mission for the LDS Church in Brasil, later spending a few months in the sovereign and independent State of Israel. These and other life experiences heightened his love of, and respect for, different cultures and beliefs and contributed to a deeper understanding of the complex religious-geo-political issues impacting our world.

David is an ardent political Zionist without losing sight of the worth of each individual person to be found on the various sides of the issue. He looks forward to the elusive solution for a permanent peace between Israel and her neighbors in the region, including the Palestinians.

A life-long student of major world religions with a focus on the five Abrahamic faiths (Judiasm, Christianity, Islam, Babi and Bahá'í faiths), geopolitics, languages, physics (especially Quantum, Particle, and Theoretical), mathematics, and all things geek, he interweaves these passions into his books. (From the author.)

Visit the author's website.