

Live and Let Die
Bianca Sloane, 2012
290 pp.
ISBN-13: 9781301050918

On a bitterly cold January evening, Tracy Ellis went for a jog along Chicago’s snowy lakefront and disappeared. Her body was discovered days later, her beautiful face bashed in with a rock. Police determine her brutal death to be a mugging gone wrong and drop the matter into their cold case files.

Over a year later, Tracy’s sister, Sondra, still can’t come to grips with what happened. She throws herself into her work as a documentary filmmaker to try and forget the cruelty of her sister’s death. However, a chance encounter with a man from Tracy’s past rips the wound open and sends Sondra on a desperate search for answers about the secrets from her sister’s life that may have led to her death.

As Sondra struggles to uncover what happened to Tracy, she’s launched into a tangled web of deceit and danger that put her on a collision course with life and death. (From the author.)

Author Bio
Where—Little Rock, Arkansas, USA
Education—University of Miami
Currently—lives in Chicago, Illinois

Bianca Sloane is the author of the psychological suspense novel, Live and Let Die, which was chosen as “Thriller of the Month”  (May 2013) by, a leading online reviewer of “e-thrillers” from independent and traditionally published authors.

Sloane began her career as a bookseller for Barnes and Noble, which included a stint as community relations coordinator, where she interacted with such authors as David Sedaris, Elizabeth Berg, and Raymond Benson. Sloane moved on to the world of public relations and advertising, where she worked in industries as varied as education, real estate and healthcare.

In addition to penning suspense novels, Sloane’s works as a freelance writer, producing press releases, bylined articles and speeches for corporate clients. (From the author .)

Book Reviews
Thriller of the Month (May 2013)

[A] cross between Sleeping with the Enemy and a superb murder mystery.

Live and Let Die
is a book that will leave the reader scratching their head trying to figure out the villain. And, just when the reader thinks they have it all figured out—think again—AND AGAIN! (New Orleans)

If you love puzzles and you like it when the author fools you all the way to the last page, you can’t go wrong with Live and Let Die.
Ionia Martin - Readful Things Blog

For a debut novel, Live and Let Die flows very smoothly - or perhaps I should say "gallops," because I was reading at a frantic pace to discover what happens next.

This is one of those novels that will keep you turning the pages wondering what kind of secrets are going to be unearthed.
OOSA Online Book Club

A gripping suspense read.

It’s been a really long time since I’ve read a thriller book that just completely wowed me as much as this one did. Considering that I am a huge suspense and thriller fan of many authors that have books that have just blown my mind, for a debut novel I think [Bianca Sloane] did outstanding!

This is American author Bianca Sloane’s first novel. You wouldn’t know it. This is a great story that carries you along with it from the first page… enjoy the ride!

Discussion Questions
1.Given the stark differences in their personalities, were you surprised at how strong the bond was between sisters Sondra and Tracy?

2.When Tracy, who is African American, disappears, Sondra can’t help but notice the disparity in media coverage between her sister and the disappearances of white women. Is this something you’ve ever noticed when watching or reading news coverage of women who go missing?

3. The character of Paula is a very traditional housewife, focusing all of her attention and energies towards being completely devoted to her husband.  In this modern age, how did it make you feel to read about a character with such traditional views and values?

4. How did you feel about the relationship between Phillip and Paula?  What about Phillip’s relationship with Tracy?

5.The main characters of Live and Let Die are African American.  How did this book compare to other books you’ve read where the main characters were African American?  What were the differences or similarities you noticed?   

6.What character did you most identify with and why?

7.In some ways, Live and Let Die follows the conventions of the mystery/suspense genre.  How does it differ from other mystery/suspense novels you’ve read?  What surprised you the most?  Did you guess any of the plot twists?

8.Taking the entire story into account, what significance does the title of the book hold for you?

9. What were some of the recurring themes of the story? Where there some that were more prominent than others?

10.What is the most satisfying aspect of the book?  Is there anything you would have wished turned out differently?
(Questions provided courtesy of the author.)

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