

Discussion Questions
1.Given the stark differences in their personalities, were you surprised at how strong the bond was between sisters Sondra and Tracy?

2.When Tracy, who is African American, disappears, Sondra can’t help but notice the disparity in media coverage between her sister and the disappearances of white women. Is this something you’ve ever noticed when watching or reading news coverage of women who go missing?

3. The character of Paula is a very traditional housewife, focusing all of her attention and energies towards being completely devoted to her husband.  In this modern age, how did it make you feel to read about a character with such traditional views and values?

4. How did you feel about the relationship between Phillip and Paula?  What about Phillip’s relationship with Tracy?

5.The main characters of Live and Let Die are African American.  How did this book compare to other books you’ve read where the main characters were African American?  What were the differences or similarities you noticed?   

6.What character did you most identify with and why?

7.In some ways, Live and Let Die follows the conventions of the mystery/suspense genre.  How does it differ from other mystery/suspense novels you’ve read?  What surprised you the most?  Did you guess any of the plot twists?

8.Taking the entire story into account, what significance does the title of the book hold for you?

9. What were some of the recurring themes of the story? Where there some that were more prominent than others?

10.What is the most satisfying aspect of the book?  Is there anything you would have wished turned out differently?
(Questions provided courtesy of the author.)

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