

Book Reviews
Expounding an historical epic of honor and love during the time of the Wars of the Roses, The Rose Of York (Love & War) is both dramatic and evocative in its portrayal of struggling souls making the best choices they can in an unjust world. A deftly written, reader engaging, thoroughly entertaining and enthusiastically recommended historical novel which documents its author as a gifted literary talent.
MidWest Book Review

Worth has done meticulous research… Though conversations and some incidents must of necessity be invented, she makes them seem so real that one agrees this must have been what they said, the way things happened.
Myrna Smith - Ricardian Register (U.S. Richard III Society)

With her debut novel, author Sandra Worth takes readers on an unforgettable journey through the life of Richard Plantagenet III.... Ms. Worth is an extremely gifted writer with the ability to immerse her readers into the lives and world of her characters ... The Rose of York: Love and War isn't historical fiction; it is a time machine.... I know shall be placing this novel on my keeper shelf and anxiously await the remaining books.
Sharon McGinty - Library Reviews

Ms. Worth chronicles brilliantly his (Richard's) all too brief childhood and the events and the people that molded him into the thoughtful and insightful young man he became. It is powerful; it is heartbreaking; and it is a beautifully told love story.... The historical aspects will give you insights that the casual historical fiction reader has probably never thought of, as I can surely attest to.... oh for the lovers of history, and for those looking forward to a most passionate story of love, this for you is a marvelous treat!... Whether intentional or not, I found that the secondary romance between John Neville, Lord Montagu and his wife Isobel to be pure poetry...depicted so beautifully that it simply took my breath away. I am definitely looking forward to the next book in this planned trilogy and if the tone and finesse imbued in this, her debut novel is any indication of what to expect we are all in for a marvelous treat.
Marilyn Rondear - Historical Romance