

Discussion Questions
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Also consider these LitLovers talking points to help get a discussion started for The Rose of York: Love & War:

1. One of the overriding themes in this book is loyalty vs. betrayal. You might talk about the costs of loyalty.

2. Sandra Worth presents an honest, detailed and unvarnished view of life in the 15th century. You might discuss how she portrays that life, particularly for women.

3. Worth's portrait of Richard is vastly different from that of Shakespeare's version in Richard III. It would be interesting to compare the two views. You might read the Shakespeare play...well, okay. Here's another idea: rent Al Pacino's Looking for Richard (1996)—an intriguing and entertaining film in which Pacino plummets the character of Shakespeare's Richard.

4. Consider the political atmosphere of the time—then discuss the jurisprudence reforms Richard introduces: innocent till proven guilty, for one.

5. What were the events and people in Richard's young life that helped form and shape his later character— as a thoughtful, insightful adult?

6. You might want to explore the various romances in the story: that between Richard and Anne Neville, between Richard and Katherine Haute, and between John Neville and his wife Isobel.

(Questions by LitLovers. Please feel free to use them, online or off, with attribution. Thanks.)

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