

Book Reviews
A vivid portrayal of each character's journey through life; of the joys and travails of putting one's heart on the line and making oneself vulnerable through the act of giving the heart.
Writer's Digest Self-Published Book Awards

Megan's Way is beautifully written, thought-provoking and inspiring. You can not read this book without looking at your own life and those around you. You will be touched and moved emotionally. Megan's Way by Melissa Foster will change your thoughts, your reflections and your outlook. This is a powerful story and the author peels away the layers with perfect pace and tone.
Page One Lit

Cancer is a harsh companion that has an annoying tendency to return to lives. Megan's Way is a novel exploring the cancerous fate of Megan Taylor as the single mother deals with the reemergence of her disease. The tale follows Megan and her daughter Olivia as they deal with the way their lives are torn apart. "Megan's Way" is a fine and fascinating read that many will find hope in.
Midwest Book Review

Melissa Foster does an excellent job describing the physical deterioration of cancer. As the novel progresses, you feel Megan fading physically while striving desperately to stay strong for Olivia. And Foster also masters the confusion and rage of a teenager who knows she’s being lied to by her parent. Down to committing a rash act which puts her life and her mother’s in jeopardy. She also draws the circle of friends well—life long friends all there for one another, banding together in times of sorrow, celebrating as one in good times.
LL Book Review

This is a deep and moving book that speaks to men as well as women, and I urge you all to put it on your reading list.
Thomas Elliott - Mensa Bulletin

As I read this book I was reminded of one of my favorite movies, Beaches. I tried putting myself in Megan’s place, would I make the same decisions she made? Would I tell the truth or withhold it? I’m not sure. This book has five key characters; they each have a strong connection. That connection is what makes this tale so special. Melissa Foster has done a superb job of placing just the right emphasis on the drama of the situation. Foster took a paint brush and dipped it in words to paint a beautiful canvas.
Anne B. -  Readers Favorite Awards

Megan's Way
by Melissa Foster is an emotionally moving book.
Jeanette Stingley - Bella Online