

Discussion Questions
(You may wish to refrain from reading these questions until you finish reading Megan's Way.)

1. In Megan’s Way, Megan imposes a treacherous decision upon herself: should she get further treatments for her terminal illness, or should she refrain? If you were in Megan’s situation, what would you have done? What, in your life, would impact that decision the most? Why do you think Megan felt compelled to hide her illness?

2. What is your opinion of Holly? When she married Jack, was she overwhelmed by the prospect of marriage, by the thought of motherhood, or both? Do you think her relationship with Megan had anything to do with her anxiety? The thought of a baby, she felt, would have thrown her into an untenable situation. Do you believe she saved Olivia from a more difficult life? Did she save herself from falling into a depression or other unhealthy life? Do you feel she acted out of self-preservation or selfishness? Did she cheat Jack out of the first fourteen years of raising Olivia as his own?

3. At the tender age of 14, Olivia was already in a stage of her life when most girls are selfabsorbed and act out toward their parents. Do you think Olivia’s age added to her angst about not knowing who her father was? Do you think she could have handled it in a mature and respectful way had Megan revealed her true father, or do you think that as a teen, it would be more likely that at any fit of anger or rebellion, she’d have used it against Megan?

4. Peter’s mother left him at a very early age, and he clearly never dealt with his abandonment issues. After Megan dies, he reevaluates his life and opens his heart. Do you think his angst would have been equal, more, or less, had his father left instead of his mother? Do you think it is possible to get past those issues?

5. At the beginning of the book, a fortuneteller foresees death, passage, and truth. She also states, “One will be released, and returned after death.” She states, “She will need you, and you will know.” She also casts a spell on one of them as they leave the tent. Do you believe there are people that can see the future? Do you think there are people who are capable of casting such spells? Do you believe in other paranormal connections, like the one between Megan and Olivia?

6. Holly and Jack have a seemingly strong marriage, and yet it is undermined by Holly’s lie, the enormity of which could land her in jail. Do you think she should have told Jack? Do you think their marriage would survive such deception?

7. Everyone keeps secrets of some sort. What types of secrets do you think are the most harmful to relationships? Infidelity? Financial problems? Former relationships?

8. The friendship between Megan, Holly, Jack, and Peter is very strong. It appears, throughout the book, that they are all there for each other, no matter what is going on in their own lives. And they all rallied around Olivia after Megan’s passing. Do you think such strong bonds can really exist within a group of this size? Do you have this strong of a friendship with anyone, male or female? What do you think drew these friends together and bonded them throughout the years?

9. After Megan’s death, Olivia meets Jason, who has also lost his parents. Do you think Jason helps Olivia grieve and deal with her mother’s death? What other role do you think Jason plays in Olivia’s life?

10. If you were Holly or Jack, what might you have done to help Olivia through her mother’s death? Would you have done anything differently?

11. Megan’s Way brings to the reader more than one moral dilemma. Discuss the ethical and moral values that might weigh into the decisions the characters have made. Did you feel angry at any of the characters? Did your emotions change as you progressed through the story? At the end of Megan’s Way, did you agree or disagree with the characters’ decisions?
(Questions issued by publisher.)

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