

Separate Lives 
Lynn Assimacopoulos, 2015
Dorrance Publishing
38 pp.
ISBN-13: 9781480912472

This true story is about learning that my son's friend who had been adopted as a baby wanted to search for his birthparents. He was especially anxious about this since his adoptive parents both suddenly passed away in a car accident.

I agreed to try to help him because I had done some genealogy searching on our family however I did not know if this would be of help or not.

For months I scanned through phone books, sent letters to anyone I could think of and personally visited everything from the local library to the National Archives in Washington, D.C. which resulted in nothing but a lack of any information.

Even the person in the National Archives told me it was useless because a woman usually marries and changes her name which makes it nearly impossible to trace.

Then a random internet search produced a surprising possible clue and allowed me to begin the fascinating but uncertain journey in the search. All this is documented in my book Separated Lives. (From the publisher.)