

Discussion Questions
1. How would you feel if your adopted child wanted to search for his/her birthparents?

2. Would you be willing to help your adopted child in their search?

3. If you had been adopted would you want to meet your birthparents?

4. Should adoption agencies be compelled to give adoptees more information than the law allows at the present time?

5. Is open or closed adoption more acceptable and why?

6. I know of a case where two parents adopted a brother and a sister but decided to return the sister to the adoption agency/home.  How do you feel about this situation?

7. Should adopted children always be told that they are adopted and when is the best time to do this?

8. When reading the book what did you expect would happen?

9.  What was the most surprising aspect of this book?

10. If you found someone’s birthparent(s) how would you approach them to tell his/her that you know about their placing their child for adoption?

11. Were you surprised by Ryan’s birthparents reactions?

12. Do you know of persons that actually found their birthparent(s); however, the birthparent(s) were not interested in having any kind of relationship with them?
(Questions courtesy of the author.)

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