

Book Reviews
Thicker than Soup is a great read with strong and interesting characters who reflect real issues and real life dramas. It tugs one in as John struggles towards success whilst battling with the demons of his past. And when Sally goes to Pakistan, her experiences there open the eyes and the mind to a culture and society that has surprising attractions and reveals life that challenges some of the myths and views many of us hold. The story twists and turns as it takes the reader to some very plausible but unforeseen outcomes.After reading this book more than once I’ve been sad each time I finished; I’ve grown to know the characters and their lives, and discovered new things I missed the previous time around. The book is an experience and one that I won’t forget. I recommend it hugely.
David Lankester

This story gripped me to the end with it's many unexpected twists. The characters are complex and develop pleasingly as the story progresses. The setting in Britain and Pakistan of the period, as well as the cultural and social challenges of the time, are cleverly woven into this story of love and families.
Elizabeth Delap

Beautifully written page turner- I started it at 10am and finished it at 7pm, only briefly coming up for air and a quick lunch! The characters are well drawn and their actions and motivations are plausible and draw you into their lives. The time period (80s) and places (England and Pakistan) are evoked with a lightness of touch that never intrudes, and the author pulls off the difficult trick of maintaining a well balanced storyline alternating the narrative between the two protagonists chapter by chapter.

What an admirable first novel! Not just an absorbing and most readable page-turner, but a book that deals with serious themes - sexual morality, AIDS, friendship, family values and Islamic-Christian relations - all with a light touch and an engaging style. It is pacy, beautifully plotted with surprising twists, and its poignant ending leaves us with some hope. Dialogue and characterisation were extremely good. The reader benefits from the author's own experience of living in Pakistan to counter some of the popular misconceptions about that country, at least as it was some 20-30 years ago. Though I found the influx of new characters about a third of the way through the book somewhat overwhelming, that didn't spoil enjoyment of the novel as a whole.
Frank Brierley

This is a very well written debut novel. Full of engaging description of the 1980s the story evolves through several unexpected changes in fortune of the two main characters which keeps the reader guessing about the final outcome.

What an enjoyable read. I liked the pace of the story and found it hard to put down. So interesting to have a knowledgeable account of life in Pakistan. I also enjoyed travelling down memory lane to the 1980's. Definitely lots of "food" for thought! I shall certainly go and visit the Rothko at the Tate!
Diana Slater

Really enjoyed this book. The characters were believable and likeable. The story line followed unexpected paths but was realistic given the 1980s timeframe. I now want to visit Pakistan after reading about the sights, food and people.
J Bah

An excellent read- found myself not wanting to put it down! A brilliant ending and I am hoping that there is a follow-up in the pipeline.
Anita Quinn

A thoroughly enjoyable story, with well-developed characters. I thought the changes in location between England and Pakistan to be very well done. I lived for several years in Rawalpindi and found the author really captured the feeling of life in Pakistan in the 80's. I really felt I knew the characters and couldn't wait to get to the next chapter and twist to the plot. I read the book in two days and I look forward to more books from Ms. Joyce.
TGIS (Pat)