

Discussion Questions
1. Are John and Sally justified in their behaviour towards each other in Part 1? Why do you think they behave as they do? What aspects of their personalities do you like and / or dislike, and why? Is it necessary to like the characters to engage with the story?

2. Does the author's style impact favourably or unfavourably on the story? How well, or otherwise, does the author manage the passage of time for each of the characters?

3. How do the psychological journeys Sally and John embark on in Part 2 compare? How do the past and the present impact on the decisions each of the make?

4. What are the main themes of the story and how are they portrayed in each character? 

5. Were the supporting characters authentic? What did they bring to the story? Which of them did you like or dislike, and why?

6. What effect do you think the theme of food has on the story? Do you think the story could be similar or substantially different without it?

7. Are there any aspects of the story that affected you strongly? Did they make you sad, make you laugh, make you angry? If so, why do you think that was?

8. By the end of the book both Sally and John have matured. What do you think they have learned, and what effect has it had on them?

9. Has the book made you think differently about anything. Think about morality, conformity vs. independence, attitudes in the 1980's, adoption, life in Pakistan, etc.

10. Does Part 3 conclude the story? Is it a satisfactory ending? If not, how do you think the story might continue?
(Questions courtesy of the author.)

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