

This Changes My Family and My Life Forever (Spanner Series, II)
Sally Ember, 2014
388 pp.
ISBN-13: 9781311724137 (Kindle)

How would YOU do with the changes after Public Contact is revealed? How does Dr. Clara Branon develop into the person selected by the Many Worlds Collective to be Earth's first Liaison late in 2012?

This Changes My Family and My Life Forever contains a few of the younger Earthers' stories of the first five years After Public Contact with the Many Worlds Collective (2013-2018) interspersed with "Snapshots" from Clara's earlier and current life and the first Chief of the Psi-Warriors' experiences. Clara relates stories from more than one timeline of the multiverse in which we all reside but which few can know through timulting the way Clara can.

Stories from "The Transition" to full membership for Earth. with its varied reactions, struggles and circumstances, are offered in TCMF&MLF from the points of view of Zephyr Branon, Dr. Clara Branon's adult son, Clara's nieces and nephews and their children. One of Clara's nephews, Moran Ackerman, becomes Chief of the Psi-Warriors and all species who train to become Earth's OverSeers. In his "Interludes," Moran shares experiences of the specialized psi training and some anecdotes from The Transition from his unique rabbinical and humorous perspectives.

Esperanza Enlaces, Clara's Chief Media Contact, a contemporary of Clara's son, edits, curates and partially narrates TCMF&MLF, allowing more of the on-again/off-again romances between Clara and Epifanio Dang and others to unfold in several timelines. Clara's grand-nephews and nieces also make appearances; a few continue to be featured due to their extraordinary psi talents in Volumes IV, VII and VIII of The Spanners Series by Sally Ember, Ed.D.

This is Vol. II of the Spanners Series. Vol. I is This Changes Everything (2013). Vol. III is This Is/Is Not the Way I Want Things to Change (2015).