

Discussion Questions
1. If you have or know children or grandchildren any of the ages of Clara's son, nieces, nephews, grandnieces, grandnephews, how would you respond if they began to exhibit Excellent Skills the ways Clara's family did?

2. How would you resond and what would you say to people if you discovered that YOU have Excellent Skills and have been chosen to be trained further?

3. Consider your current job, home life, interests and neighborhood: how would these change or how would you change within them After Public Contact, during The Transition?

4. What parts of Clara's "Snapshots" most interested you and why?

5. What did you learn in Volume II that you were glad the author included and what do you wish had been depicted more?

6. The author is seeking collaborators in the teen/young adult-new adult age range for Vol VIII and older adults for Volume IX. How would you contribute if you were to join that effort?
(Questions courtesy of the author.)

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