

Book Reviews
A story about the consequences of the choices we make, and the difficulty even we can have in understanding – and living with – the reach of those consequences. Wyle’ of the one of the loveliest.... Wyle has a lovely way with language, weaving characters and setting together into a seamless tapestry.... A beautiful story, well-written and smoothly paced with characters you can’t help but fall in love with.
Jill Elizabeth - All Things Jill-Elizabeth

Wyle should be proud of the opening scene of this book as it showcases...her descriptive powers.... I love the way the concept of an afterlife is made real in Karen’s book, and the way the various characters inter-relate, re-live moments and re-visit places in their history.... Wander Home acts acts like a large, soft comfort blanket. But don’t get too comfortable. It is a barbed comfort blanket, charged with emotion. An excellent read, which I heartily recommend.
Indie Tribe - Charlie Bray

The plot is well paced and opens the imagination of the readers. The afterlife that Wyle creates is brimming with memories, places to visit, and amazing people to meet. It's written in such a way that it is truly life after death.... Wander Home is a magical story that delves to the depths of the human psyche and is definitely recommended.
Coffee Pot - Tracy Kiser

The story itself dwells on a common theme—a daughter in search of a mother’s love, a mother who so longs to provide that love but feels inadequate in face of her own search for self and a family who provides them unconditional support. The uniqueness is in the telling.... The story inspires one to stretch the imagination.... If this were a motion picture, one would be feasting in never-ending sights and sounds, visions that only the imagination can conjure.
Readers' Favorite - Teresita Rivera

[A] bittersweet story of one family’s journey both on earth and in the afterlife as they struggle to make sense out of relationships, personalities and love, for love is what the book is ultimately about.... Wyle has created characters so full of personality that you are drawn to them and really want the issues to be resolved. Amanda (Great Grandmother), Sarah and Jack, Eleanor and Cassidy are people you will remember for a long time to come.
Linda Leander - L.Leander's Reviews and Interviews