

Discussion Questions
1. Does this novel have a hero or heroine? If so, who is it?

2. Is Eleanor unduly slow to realize what role Mateo and Jordana have played in her life?

3. Did Eleanor have any viable choices other than those she made in her life? Was there a way for her to play the hand she was dealt without causing so much pain?

4. Is the resolution of this story satisfying? Is it fair to all the characters?

5. Some people who come to Wander Home’s afterlife have hurt others during their lifetime. Do you think there is a  degree of evil or wrong-doing that would prevent a person from reaching this afterlife? What might happen to those people, within the world created by the novel?

6. Concerning the technique of flooding troubled newcomers with happy memories to help them heal: what memories might you contribute?

7. This book features several married couples (Jack and Sarah, Amanda and Stan, Mateo and Jordana, Jordana’s parents). How do these couples demonstrate different approaches to the married state? Which marriages are the most successful, and why?

8. Do you wish you knew more about the life story of any character in the novel?

9. Could you imagine using the features of this afterlife to resolve any unfinished business from your own life, and if so, how?

10. Whether or not you believe in an afterlife, would you like the afterlife presented in this book to exist?

11. Does the afterlife in Wander Home correspond to any afterlife depicted by any established religion?
(Questions courtesy of the author.)

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