

GPS Your Best Life: Charting Your Destination and Getting There in Style
Charmaine Hammond, Debra Kasowski, 2012
Bettie Youngs Book Publishers
165 pp.
ISBN-13: 9781936332267

Bestselling author and transformational speaker Charmaine Hammond teams up with fellow speaker and founder/CEO of the Millionaire Woman Club, Debra Kasowski, to bring you a unique method for getting clear and achieving what you want in your life, your career, your relationships.

GPS Your Best Life gives you simple, practical strategies, accompanied by down to earth assessment tools. This book will put you behind the wheel to guide you from figuring out what revs your engine and what’s blocking your view, and following your unique road map to your desired destination while learning to navigate the obstacles and road blocks along the way.

You don’t have to be a motor head to appreciate the GPS step-by-step approach. Whether you’re trying to determine what you really want in life, to clarify your goals, or how to get where you want, GPS Your Best Life will help you map your destination and put you on the road to personal fulfillment, happiness, and success! (From the publisher)

Author Bio
Charmaine Hammond, is the best selling and award winning author of the memoir On Toby's Terms (2010), about her family dog. The book is in development to be a motion picture with Impact Motion Pictures. She also co-authored GPS Your Best Life (2012)—charting your destination and getting there in style. In addition to her adult novels, Charmain has also published a series of children's books—Toby The Pet Therapy Dog & His Hospital Friends (2011), and Be a Buddy Not a Bully (2012).

Toby, the dog, has given Charmaine much to write about. From learning to put on his own seat belt, making a difference in the lives of many through his visitation at local hospitals as a therapy dog, and dressing up in a jail uniform to raise money from charity, Toby has given people much to smile about. Toby has presented in front of more than 10,000 students and some 1500 adults.

As a professional speaker in her other life, Charmaine has spoken to audiences internationally and is a sought after speaker at corporate events, conferences and author conventions. She also hosts three wildly popular radio shows.

Charmain is the winner of the 2012 Business Matchmaker of the Year award, an international award (eWomenNetwork) and has been nominated for the 2012 RBC Woman Entrepreneur of the Year Award.
She has been featured in the Metro USA, Metro Canada, Edmonton Journal, Edmonton and Spruce Grove Examiner, Calgary and Edmonton Sun, Del Mar Times, National Post, Global TV, CTSTV, Alberta Prime Time (CTV) and on many radio stations in the US and Canada. (From the author.)

Debra Kasowski has a BSc in Nursing and has practiced nurs­ing for over seventeen years. She has combined her passion and love of helping people with her professional speaking career to inspire and help people transform their lives; she also leads several workshops and provides personal coaching. She is the founder of the Millionaire Woman Club, a global community of women who are highly motivated and passionate about helping women become “rich from the inside out.”

Debra is also a founding member of the Evolutionary Busi­ness Council and a transformational speaker who inspires her audiences to take action. She is published in Today’s Business Woman Magazine and has been featured on the online magazine Healthy, Wealthy, and Wise, as well as radio and television media.

Debra and her husband started the “Spirit of Christmas” Shoebox program from one of her bucket list ideas. The pro­gram has recently doubled in capacity and provided gifts and breakfast to more than 1,200 children. (From the author.)

Book Reviews
Not knowing what you want is the biggest obstacle in living your best life. Charmaine and Debra take you on an exquisite journey of discovery—a discovery that has you expertly navigate through hidden fears and procrastination to embrace passion and adventure in creating your best life. I highly recommend this compelling tool that could change the direction of your life forever.
Shawne Duperon - ShawneTV (SixTime EMMY winner)

Charmaine Hammond and Debra Kasowski have created the perfect guide book and repair manual for servicing your most important vehicle - yourself. No matter where you are in your life their concepts and solid directions will help you get to a better place. It's a must read.
Ken Kragen - Author (Life Is A Contact Sport) and Organizer ("We Are The World," "Hands Across America" and other historic humanitarian events)

A very satisfying labor of love—a book by two writers about navigation into our best life. This book inspires us to follow our inner guidance to our goals.
Debbi Dachinger - Author (Dare to Dream: This Life Counts) and Radio Host ("Dare to Dream")

This book packs a powerful message. It puts you in the driver’s seat, making you an unstoppable force. If there are any areas of your life where you’re not getting the results you want, the answers to achievement can be found in these pages.
Marilyn Suttle - Author (Who’s Your Gladys? How to Turn Even the Most Difficult Customer into Your Biggest Fan)

If you are in a life or career transition you must read “GPS Your Best Life”. It’s like having a personal GPS for the next chapter of your life. In this book, Charmaine & Debra share simple self-analysis questionnaires and real world examples to help you discover and reach your next destination.
April Morris - Actress (Shark Tank, ABC), Product Innovation Expert, Inspirational Speaker.

This book is quick and easy to read, easy to understand and simple to follow. And best of all it really works!  It helps you to focus on what you do want. If you want to be clear about your priorities and know what is important to you, read this book! This book is easy to read, easy to understand and simple to follow. And best of all it really works! If you want to be clear about your priorities and know what is important to you, this book is a must read.
Lori Raudnask

A most useful guide to charting and traversing the many options that lay before you.
Suzi Kenyon - Kenyon Communications

There are a lot of self-help books on the market, but this takes a unique, creative approach to help you figure out where you want to go in your life and how to get there, in an easy, fun, step-by-step manner.
Christine Belleris - Beyond Words, Inc.

This terrific book shows you how to focus on what you want, clear away obstacles, and chart a course to make your dreams come true. A must-read for anyone who is serious about living a life of purpose and passion.
Gail Z. Martin - Author (30 Days to Social Media Success)

A valuable guide to help you think and rethink your next move—personal and professional.
Jennifer L. Youngs - Author (7 Ways a Baby Will Change Your Life the First Year)

Discussion Questions
Each Chapter concludes with Mapping Your Way questions which are very suitable for Book Club discussions and for personal reflection.

1. In the first chapter, the authors present a personal diagnostics questionnaire to help readers understand where they perceive themselves to be now, and where they want to go. What was your experience working through these questions? Were there surprises? What stood out for you as your strengths and areas to capitalize on in your life?

2. The authors write about getting started with a clean windshield and finishing incompletes. What does this reference mean to you? What gets in the way of completing tasks or having a clean windshield in life? What do you need to finish so you can start with a clean slate?

3. GPS Your Best Life has many references to the importance of mindset and managing your thoughts. How has your mindset impacted (positive or otherwise) your results? How can you remind yourself to shift your mindset?

4. Finding your true calling is an important element of this book. Many people struggle to find their true calling. Do you think most people are living their true calling? How would we know? How do you nurture your true calling and passions? How is life different when you are “on purpose” or living in accordance with your true calling?

5. The authors walk the reader through different ways to visualize their future, and their dreams. What challenges do people face with visualizing their future? How will their Daily 5 GPS activities help readers accomplish their goals and move toward their best life?

6. Excuses and habits are often at the root of procrastination and not taking action. What examples of this do you have in your life? Part of changing behavior involves creating a new mindset and behaviors that support the mindset and goal. When have you had to do this in your life? What worked well, and what did you learn then that you still do?

7. In GPS Your Best Life, the authors acknowledge that readers are likely wearing many hats (and have different or perhaps competing demands in their life). What are the hats you wear? How do you keep your head above water and juggle them all?

8. There is a theme of gratitude woven throughout the book. What was your perception on the role gratitude plays in shaping the life you want to live? How do you express gratitude to others? How does coming from a place of gratitude impact communications, and relationships?

9. GPS Your Best Life chapter titles and many of the tips use analogies from a GPS, going on journey, and maps, as well as situational examples of different individuals . What was your experience with these concepts as you read the book?

10. The book ends with a chapter about knowing when the goals have been achieved, and celebrating the success. Have you ever achieved a goal and didn’t notice you had arrived? How have you celebrated your achievements, and what was the impact of these celebratory activities? What is your biggest, most memorable or most proud accomplishment on your journey thus far?

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