

Discussion Questions
Each Chapter concludes with Mapping Your Way questions which are very suitable for Book Club discussions and for personal reflection.

1. In the first chapter, the authors present a personal diagnostics questionnaire to help readers understand where they perceive themselves to be now, and where they want to go. What was your experience working through these questions? Were there surprises? What stood out for you as your strengths and areas to capitalize on in your life?

2. The authors write about getting started with a clean windshield and finishing incompletes. What does this reference mean to you? What gets in the way of completing tasks or having a clean windshield in life? What do you need to finish so you can start with a clean slate?

3. GPS Your Best Life has many references to the importance of mindset and managing your thoughts. How has your mindset impacted (positive or otherwise) your results? How can you remind yourself to shift your mindset?

4. Finding your true calling is an important element of this book. Many people struggle to find their true calling. Do you think most people are living their true calling? How would we know? How do you nurture your true calling and passions? How is life different when you are “on purpose” or living in accordance with your true calling?

5. The authors walk the reader through different ways to visualize their future, and their dreams. What challenges do people face with visualizing their future? How will their Daily 5 GPS activities help readers accomplish their goals and move toward their best life?

6. Excuses and habits are often at the root of procrastination and not taking action. What examples of this do you have in your life? Part of changing behavior involves creating a new mindset and behaviors that support the mindset and goal. When have you had to do this in your life? What worked well, and what did you learn then that you still do?

7. In GPS Your Best Life, the authors acknowledge that readers are likely wearing many hats (and have different or perhaps competing demands in their life). What are the hats you wear? How do you keep your head above water and juggle them all?

8. There is a theme of gratitude woven throughout the book. What was your perception on the role gratitude plays in shaping the life you want to live? How do you express gratitude to others? How does coming from a place of gratitude impact communications, and relationships?

9. GPS Your Best Life chapter titles and many of the tips use analogies from a GPS, going on journey, and maps, as well as situational examples of different individuals . What was your experience with these concepts as you read the book?

10. The book ends with a chapter about knowing when the goals have been achieved, and celebrating the success. Have you ever achieved a goal and didn’t notice you had arrived? How have you celebrated your achievements, and what was the impact of these celebratory activities? What is your biggest, most memorable or most proud accomplishment on your journey thus far?

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